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学科 英文 导师姓名 研究方向 英文
科学技术史 History of Science and Technology 韩启德 医学哲学;医学与社会 Philosophy of Medicine, Medicine and Society
张大庆 现代医学在中国的传播、医学思想的演化、医学人文教育 history of medicine, social and cultural history of healthcare, medical humanities, Science, Technology, Medicine & Society
甄橙 中西医学比较史、医学专科史、疾病史、女性与医学的历史研究 history of medicine,comparative history of medicine(TCM and western  medicine), history of female and medicine  
郭莉萍 叙事医学的发展与传播、医学人文教育 The theory, spread and practice of narrative medicine; medical humanities education.
王岳 医药政策史、卫生立法史、患者安全与医患关系、医学人文教育 history of health policy,history of health legislation, patient safety and doctor-patient relationship,medical humanities education.
唐文佩 医学思想的演化、医学技术与社会、现代医学在中国的传播 history of medical thought; Science, Technology, Medicine & Society
赖立里 前沿科技的社会影响、医学多样性、传统知识的现代生产、女性与科技研究 Social impact of advanced technology, Medical diversity, Modern production of traditional knowledge, Gender studies and STS
陈琦 现代医学在中国的传播,中外医学交流史,公共卫生史,医学人文教育 The introduction of Western Medicine into China; the history of the Chinese-foreign medical communication; the history of public health; medical humanistic education
苏静 全球/国际卫生史,医学社会文化史,现代医学在中国的传播,医学专科史 global/ internaitonal health, social and cultural history of medicine, western medicine in postcolonial perspective, specialization of medicine in China
姚靓 科学技术与社会;近现代科学技术与产业史;跨国科技史 Science, technology, and society; History of science, technology, and industry in the modern times; Transnational history of science and technology  
科学技术哲学 Philosophy in Science and Technology 王一方 生死哲学、技术哲学、医学的现代性 philosophy  of  death and dying, philosophy  of  medical technology, reflection of medical modernity.
伦理学 Ethics 丛亚丽 临床研究伦理与受试者保护、医师职业精神发展、公共卫生伦理和医学伦理学教育研究 research ethics and human subject protection; medical professionalism, public health ethics, and research on medical ethics education
陈海丹 新兴科技的伦理、社会、政策问题研究 Ethical, social and policy issues of emerging science and technology
尹秀云 医患关系、科研诚信、公共卫生伦理等 Doctor-patient ReIationship,Scientific lntegrity,public health ethics
应用心理学 Applied Psychology 吴任钢 认知行为治疗、心身健康 Cognitive behavioral therapy, Mental and physical health
官锐园 共情理论与应用、医护人员职业心理健康、心身疾病的心理干预 empathy and interpersonal relationship, mental health of medical professionals, psychological intervention in psychosomatic diseases
徐震雷 健康心理 Health psychology 
郝树伟 心理评估、心理治疗、性心理治疗、心身疾病 Psychological assessment, Psychotherapy,Sex therapy,Psychosomatic diseases
周婷 家庭养育与儿童心理健康,特殊儿童心理干预,应激与心身疾病 parenting and children's mental health, psychological intervention for special children, stress and psychosomatic diseases
社会学 Sociology 王红漫 全球健康与社会发展理论与实证研究、全球医学教育最低标准研究、卫生外交 Public policy and global health governance,health diplomacy;
Social decisions and social scieces;
The mode and countermeasures for quality-oriented education in University,GMER;
Strategy and tactics for Traditional Chinese Medicine in grassroots level in China.
中国近现代史专门问题研究 FoundationalStudies in Chinese Modern and Contemporary History 王玥 中国近现代史与中国禁毒史 Chinese modern history,History of drug control in China
李秉奎 中国近现代史 Modern China History
马克思主义基本原理 Fundamental Principles of Marxism 张莉 马克思主义基本原理、马克思主义发展史 Fundamental Principles of Marxism,The History of Marxism
医学技术   高嵩 物理学及数学在医学影像学、核医学及肿瘤放射治疗中的应用 Medical Physics,Imaging, and Equipments
  Medical Technology 梁宝生 生物统计学、数理统计学及其在临床生存分析、复发数据和家族疾病数据的分析 Biostatistics, Mathematical Statistics, and Applied statistics in survival analysis, recurrent event data analysis, and familial disease data analysis 

