

China-U.S. Center on Medical Professionalism, PUHSC

  The China-U.S. Center on Medical Professionalism is physically based on Peking University Health Science Center campus and in collaboration with the Institute on Medicine as a Profession (IMAP) in the United States, the Center hopes to address issues of concern to the whole of China. The directors of joint center are Professor Yang Ke (ex-president of Peking University Health Science Center) and Professor David Rothman. Professor Yali Cong and Liping Duan serve as vice directors. A steering committee oversees the Center, and committee members drawn from both China and the United States.

  The mission of the center is to systematically investigate the situation of medical professionalism in China, to develop comparative studies among China, US and other countries, to set up a communication platform for doctors, patients, educators and hospital managers, to create an information sharing resources center, and facilitate the cultivation of medical professionalism .It’s activities include, but are not limited to, an annual conference, workshops, funding research projects, funding visiting scholars, and publishing papers, books and newsletters.


  Director:KE yang, CONG yali

  Contact: XIE guangkuan, YIN xiaoyan

  Email: medprof@bjmu.edu.cn

  TEL: 86-10-82805543



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