PhD, Assistant Professor
The research fields
Stress and coping, meaning in life, health behavior
Education experience
2011-2016 Ph.D. School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University
2007-2011 B.A. (Second Degree) School of Psychological and Cognitive Sciences, Peking University
2006-2011 B.A. School of Nursing, Peking University
Work experience
2020.10. School of Health Humanities, Peking University Assistant Professor
2016.7-2020.9 School of Sociology, China University of Political Science and Law Lecturer, Associate Professor
[1] Medical Psychology
[2] Advanced Psychological Statistics
[3] Health Psychology
Academic papers
[1] Zheng, L., Miao, M. *, & Gan, Y. (2020). Perceived Control Buffers the Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on General Health and Life Satisfaction: The Mediating Role of Psychological Distance. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being.
[2] Miao, M., & Gan, Y. (2020). The Promotional Role of Meaning in Life in Future-Oriented Coping: Positive Affect as a Mediator. International Journal of Psychology, 55(1), 52-59.
[3] Zheng, L., Miao, M., Lim, J., Li, M., Nie, S., & Zhang, X. (2020). Is Lockdown Bad for Social Anxiety in COVID-19 Regions? A National Study in the SOR Perspective. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.17(12),4561.
[4] Liu,P., Miao, M.*, Chen, Y., Liang, X., Jiang, X., Yu, Y.(2020). The Development of Sense of Belonging to School Scale among College Students. China Journal of Health Psychology,10:1567-1571.
[5] Miao M., & Gan Y. (2019). How does meaning in life predict proactive coping? The self-regulatory mechanism on emotion and cognition. Journal of Personality, 87, 579-592.
[6] Miao, M., Zhu, H., Gan, Y. (2018). Effect of Meaning in Life on Mental Health in Individuals Approaching Retirement. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 26(2), 136-141.
[7] Miao, M., Zheng, L., Gan,Y. (2017). Meaning in life promotes proactive coping via positive affect: a daily diary study. Journal of Happiness Studies, 18(6), 1683-1696.
[8] Miao, M., Gan,Y., Gan,T, & Zhou, G. (2017). Carry-over effect between diet and physical activity: the bottom-up and top-down hypotheses of hierarchical self-efficacy. Psychology, Health & Medicine. 22,266-274.
[9] Miao, M., Wang, Y., Ye, Q., Ke, Q., Gan, Y. (2017). Verification of the Sequential Model of Future-oriented Coping in Engaged Individuals. Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology, 25(4), 678-683.
[10] Gan,Y., Miao, M., Zheng, L., & Liu,H. (2016). The Temporal Doppler Effect: Its Moderating Conditions and Adaptive Function. Journal of Personality.
[11] Li,W., Miao, M., Gan, Y. Q., Zhang, Z.J., & Cheng, G. (2015). The relationship between meaning discrepancy and emotional distress among patients with cancer: the role of posttraumatic growth in a collectivistic culture. European Journal of Cancer Care, 46(46), 155-172.
Research Subject
the Ministry of Education (MOE) of the People’s Republic of China Project of Humanities and Social Sciences (18YJC190016). 2018.7-2021.7.