


ZHANG Daqing

PhD, Professor, Boya Distinguished Professor


The research field   History of Medicine, History of Science and Technology, Medical Humanities


Administrative post

[1] Director, Peking University Health Science Library.

[2] Director, Department of History & Philosophy of Medicine, Peking University Health Science Center.

[3] Deputy Director, Department of History of Science, Technology and Medicine of Peking University.


Education experience     

1996   Beijing Medical UniversityPhD in History of Medicine


Work experience     

2001.10-now   Peking University Health Science Center



For Undergraduates

[1] History of Medicine

[2] History of Global Health

[3] Modern Medicine and Culture

[4] Introduction to Medicine

For Postgraduate

[1] Issues and Methods in the History of Medicine

[2] Frontier issues of the History of Medicine

[3] Introduction to Medical Humanities

[4] Reading and Writing of the History of Science, Technology and Medicine


Academic papers     

[1] Medicine is a Humane Art, Hastings Center Report, 2000, 30(4):8-12

[2] From Brain Drain to Brain Gain: The CUSBEA Program and Its Influence on Life Science in China. Archives Internationales D’Histoire Des Sciences , 56(156-157)341-356, 2006

[3] China’s Barefoot Doctor: past, present and future. Lancet. 2008, 372 (9653): 1865-1867

[4] Textual Research on A Marvelous Book on Vaccination Recently Coming Out of England. The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology, 2002, 23(3)209-213

[5] Reconstruction of Epidemic Strategy under the Bio-Psycho-Social Medical Model. Medicine & Philosophy, 2003, 24(6):20-22

[6] Beyond Double Helix: The Impact of DNA on the Science and Culture. Medicine &Philosophy, 2003, 24(7):1-6

[7] CUSBEA Program and its Influence on the Development of Life Science in China. Journal of Dialectics of Nature, 2006, 1:53-61

[8] The Division of Chinese in Peking Union Medical College: A Medical Humanities Program of Modern Medical Education in China. Journal of Peking University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2011, 48(6):124-129

[9] Clinical Decision-making: an important domain of philosophy of medicine. Medicine &Philosophy, 2004, 12:17-20

[10] Walter Bradford Cannon and Chinese Physiologists. The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology, 2005, 3:204-221

[11] A Biography of John B. Grant. The Chinese Journal for the History of Science and Technology, 2013, 12: 502-517+549

[12] Changing Patterns of Diseases and Longevity: The evolution of health in 20th century. In Bridie Andrews and Mary Brown Bullock, ed, Medical Transitions in Twentieth Century China. Indiana University Press.2014

[13] Medical Education in Contemporary Mainland China. Workshop on East Asian Health Futures in Seoul, Korea, April 11-12, 2014

[14] The New Culture Movement and the Enlightenment of Health. Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute2017(3):181-191



A Social History of Disease in Modern China. Jinan: Shandong Education Press, 2006. 254 pp.


Academic translation

[1] 现代医学的困境, 北京大学医学出版社,2016Charles E. Rosenberg. Our Present Complaint: American Medicine, Then and Now.

[2] 剑桥医学史,吉林人民出版社,2003Roy Porter. The Cambridge History of Medicine.

[3] 剑桥世界人类疾病史,上海科技教育出版社,2007; Kenneth F. Kiplc et al. Cambridge World History of Human Diseases.


The teaching material

[1] Zhang Daqing ed. A history of Medicine (Frist Edition), Beijing: Peking University Medical Press, 2003.

[2] Zhang Daqing ed. A history of Medicine (Second Edition), Beijing: Peking University Medical Press, 2013.

[3] Zhang Daqing ed. 15 Lectures on the History of Medicine. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2007.

[4] Zhang Daqing & He Zhongjun ed. History of Chinese and Foreign Medicine (Frist Edition), Beijing: China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2005.

[5] Wand Zhenguo & Zhang Daqing ed. History of Chinese and Foreign Medicine (second edition), Beijing: China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2013.

[6] Wand Zhenguo & Zhang Daqing ed. History of Chinese and Foreign Medicine (third edition), Beijing: China Press of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 2016.

[7] Ke Yang & Zhang Daqing ed. Philosophy of Medicine, Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2014.

[8] Zhang Daqing ed. Medical humanities, Beijing: People's Medical Publishing House, 2015.


Research subject     

[1] Western Medicine in China, sponsored by Henry Luce Foundation, PI, 2012

[2] Management Model and Research Evaluation in Artemisinin Research and Development, National Social Science Foundation of China, PI, 2012

[3] Collection Project of Artemisinin Research and Development History, China Association for Science and Technology, PI, 2013,

[4] Sino-US Medical Exchange History, National Social Science Foundation, PI, 2016 
